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Climate change, austerity policy, and IMF programme

Pakistan is likely to enter into an Extended Fund Facility (EFF) programme – which is different from a standby arrangement (SBA) programme since, in addition to targeting macroeconomic stabilisation, including…

Planning a non-austerity, pro-growth IMF programme

In its April 2023 flagship World Economic Outlook (WEO) report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) pointed out that economic growth enables countries in a better way to service debt repayments,…

Debt, inequality and austerity

‘In most western countries, inequality is rising, and social mobility has stalled. Our citizens are losing purchasing power. They are struggling to find a decent job, to buy a proper…

Unwarranted austerity policy

As another monetary policy statement is about to be released, as the writer contributes this article, it is time to indicate why it is very important that it is over-due…

Debt, weak multilateralism, and austerity

The number of developing countries having high debt levels, that is having public debt more than 60 percent of their gross domestic product, increased from 22 countries on January 1,…

Inequality, poverty, and austerity–I

Two reports recently released clearly indicate that in the wake of pandemic, not only has progress on sustainable development goals (SDGs) overall slowed down significantly, the very first goal in…

Inequality, poverty, and austerity — II

Unfortunately, both the IMF and individual countries practicing these, in or outside of the IMF programme, are not learning from this experience of over-board implementation of monetary- and fiscal austerity…