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The Media, The Military And The Swat Operation

The media, the military and the Swat operation

A few short months ago, private TV channels in this country were beaming live images of lawyers and political activists on the streets, chanting slogans against Pervez Musharraf and the…

Military in civil support

The term ‘military deployment in aid of civil power’ refers to the use of armed forces to assist civil authorities in special circumstances when local or federal law enforcement agencies…

Military might

Ensuring military readiness to confront future challenges and uncertainties has always been imperative for the armed forces. The approach often requires a consistent and steadfast commitment to innovation and modernization.…

Military courts?

The Senate of Pakistan, the upper house of parliament, has endorsed a resolution asserting that the Supreme Court’s judgment on military courts encroaches upon the legislative prerogatives of parliament. The…

Military diplomacy

Military diplomacy has temporarily mitigated our economic emergency by a few months. Diplomatic military operations have managed to suppress the symptoms of the economic emergency, the real disease remains untreated.…

Trips for cooperation

In the midst of deteriorating relations and bitter friction, a flurry of high-profile American officials’ visits to China has been significant. This is a bold attempt to revive cooperation optimistically…