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Decoding military trials

Military tribunals have long been utilised to decide cases involving civilians in many nations, particularly during periods such as the First and Second World Wars, as well as across ancient,…

Institutions as battleground

THE ongoing political confrontation between the government and opposition has assumed a new, more dangerous nature. It is now pitting state institutions against each other, bringing some into disrepute while…

Military’s constitutional role

WHILE expressing his innocent wonder over why our armed forces are “often made the subject of criticism”, Gen Bajwa, our former army chief, recently conceded that this may just have something to…

Creeping military rule?

THE battle lines had long been drawn. Now the fight has reached a critical stage. The May 9 attacks on military installations in some cities seem to be a turning point. Enraged…

Is it all about institutions?

Most of us carry the same flag of wrongs. Our human resource, the real wealth of a nation, is in tatters. Illiteracy, sub-par educational standards, poor healthcare and nutrition have…

Governance, civil service and institutions

The digital warriors have nailed it! It is all about governance. You give us good governance and we will be swinging with the mightiest. Good governance, in turn, is a…

Civil-military power matrix

SECURITY briefings for a newly elected prime minister may not be unprecedented, but the excitement over Imran Khan’s intensive parleys at GHQ and the ISI headquarters certainly are. Our hyper-animated…

Civil-military ties

THE people of Pakistan have a strong democratic temperament. Throughout the year, the country’s many elections are robustly contested in bar associations, chambers of commerce, professional associations, unions, civil society…

The institutions of Pakistan

The new government's task is indeed humongous, demanding a herculean task force to manage the dwindling state of economy and multiple state governance issues. While the new government is expected…