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Israel deploys new military AI in Gaza war

Israel’s army has deployed some AI-enabled military technology in combat for the first time in Gaza, raising fears about the use of autonomous weapons in modern warfare. The army has…

Balochistan’s challenge

Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan by area, with a population of only 12.34 million. As a result, while the annual budgets of the other three provinces are in…

Afghanistan amid uncertainties

The US's military invasion of Afghanistan seems to be finally ending on September 11 this year – marking the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington…

The truth about torture

Democracy is not just about elections. They are just the first step in the process of developing a democratic society where human rights are fundamental; without them, democracy means nothing.…

Out Through The Back Door?

Out through the back door?

The political histories of Pakistan and modern Turkey have had one thing in common: in both countries, the army has repeatedly seized power from civilian governments to ‘save’ the nation…

Mental Health In Swat

Mental health in Swat

There are two main types of mental health problems in Pakistan: one is the lunacy and the stark raving madness of the bigots who seek to destroy the country through…

Enough History In The Making For A Lifetime

Enough history in the making for a lifetime

Whatever else the recent elections may have achieved, they have made newspapers well-nigh unreadable, headlines screaming about historic this and historic that, and television samurais breathlessly, and mindlessly, intoning the…

Shattered ideals vs bitter pragmatism

Stricken by democratic ideals for decades, one is faced with harsh, unbeatable realities in Pakistan. Our heroes shatter ideals, and bitter pragmatism haunts us. If pragmatism is to be believed,…