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Decoding military trials

Military tribunals have long been utilised to decide cases involving civilians in many nations, particularly during periods such as the First and Second World Wars, as well as across ancient,…

Military in civil support

The term ‘military deployment in aid of civil power’ refers to the use of armed forces to assist civil authorities in special circumstances when local or federal law enforcement agencies…

Military’s constitutional role

WHILE expressing his innocent wonder over why our armed forces are “often made the subject of criticism”, Gen Bajwa, our former army chief, recently conceded that this may just have something to…

Military courts

PAKISTAN is set to try civilians in military courts for violence committed on May 9 in the wake of the arrest of former premier Imran Khan. The United Nations High…

Military might

Ensuring military readiness to confront future challenges and uncertainties has always been imperative for the armed forces. The approach often requires a consistent and steadfast commitment to innovation and modernization.…

Israel deploys new military AI in Gaza war

Israel’s army has deployed some AI-enabled military technology in combat for the first time in Gaza, raising fears about the use of autonomous weapons in modern warfare. The army has…

Military courts?

The Senate of Pakistan, the upper house of parliament, has endorsed a resolution asserting that the Supreme Court’s judgment on military courts encroaches upon the legislative prerogatives of parliament. The…