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Impending disaster

ADDRESSING the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Initiative in Beijing on April 26, Prime Minister Imran Khan identified climate change as a key challenge faced by developing countries,…

Ecocide in Gaza

THE ongoing war on Gaza, recently recognised as a genocide by the International Court of Justice, has garnered global attention for its devastating humanitarian impact. However, beneath the immediate human tragedy lies a…

Bleak future

Covid-19 was not a “black swan” event – an event that cannot be reasonably anticipated. As Mike Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization’s emergencies programme, made clear in…

Conservation conversations

In September 2016, the world’s most unique ecology forum adopted two motions with potentially far-reaching, multiple impacts on mass participation to combat climate change. These two motions came in the…

A Dying Delta

A dying delta

Declining fresh water flow poses a grave threat to Indus delta and coastal communities A subcommittee of the Senate has recently raised serious concerns on the ecological disaster that has…