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Textile industry: water management

Unsustainable industrial water consumption has become a massive environmental sustainability challenge. Discharge of untreated wastewater, lack of water-efficient technologies, and absence of recycling and reuse techniques are significant contributors to…

FBR: audit closure, capacity & legality

According to a Press report, the government of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) “has quietly closed over 310,000 tax audit cases that had been automatically selected from 2015 to 2017 due to…

Selection for tax audit – I

Selection for and conduct of audit is not ex facie detrimental to the interest of taxpayer, however to exercise such powers; the discretion needs to be structured by framing rules…

Cost audit under the Companies Act, 2017

The Companies Act, 2017, after much fanfare, has now been enforced in Pakistan. The finance minister acknowledged and appreciated the good efforts of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)…

Audit Of IPPs

Audit of IPPs

The differences between the Federal Ministry of Water and Power and Ministry of Finance over the payment of public money to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in the guise of circular…

Audit Report On Punjab Government Accounts

Audit report on Punjab government accounts

Report of the Auditor General of Pakistan on the Punjab government accounts for audit year 2013-14 make quite interesting, alarming as well as concerning reading to say the least. Besides…

The Importance Of Internal Audit Function

The importance of internal audit function

Corporate set-ups need to be dynamic, vibrant and consistent yet they also need to navigate the course as the situation demands. The starting point for setting-up an Internal Audit department…