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Legal challenges

MORE than three months have passed since the Taliban captured Kabul. They now control the whole of Afghanistan. However, they are still grappling with legal issues that can greatly impact…

Export industry: challenges and solutions

It is heartening to note that a multinational company operating in Pakistan has successfully showcased and set an example that the challenges faced by the export industry in the country…

Challenges before the new CJP

“….the trial of civilian protesting……in .incidents of the 9th and 10th of May 2023 may be proceeded strictly under the relevant criminal laws applicable to civilians; but there is nothing…

Challenges before the new CJP

“….the trial of civilian protesting……in .incidents of the 9th and 10th of May 2023 may be proceeded strictly under the relevant criminal laws applicable to civilians; but there is nothing…

Cultural challenges of adoption

IN recent years, child adoption has increased across all sections of society. However, the practice often remains concealed, and couples are compelled to live with a web of lies. The…

Energy challenges

We no longer have the luxury to exist in an isolated ecosystem where we can pre-determine the effect of international events on our policies and strategies. It has, instead become…