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Turkey’s IS Test

Turkey’s IS test

The recent claim by Recep Tayip Erdogan, Turkey’s intrepid president, to go for the jugular of the militant Islamic State group in Syria, and take his fight against the terrorists…

Rosneft fuels foreign policy goals

Whether investing in China, Venezuela or Iraq, Russian oil giant Rosneft closely follows Moscow's geopolitical interests as the Kremlin-controlled company seeks to expand its nation's influence, at times in unstable…

Manufacturing optimism for all sides

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is usually known for picking his fights publicly and forcefully without any need to hide behind the diplomatic niceties to avail any plausible deniability. In…

Circle Of Death

Circle of death

The extraordinary attempt earlier this month by 47 United States senators to sabotage one of their nation’s most significant diplomatic initiatives served as a reminder that some of the Obama…