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Reshaping knowledge

GEOPOLITICS and geo-economics are seen as parallel pathways to progress. When there is harmonisation between the two, the outcome is good; when political differences come in the way of economic…

Human capital development

ACCORDING to economist Julian Simon, “the ultimate resource is people — especially skilled, spirited, and hopeful young people endowed with liberty — who will exert their wills and imaginations for…

The knowledge economy imperative

Knowledge has now become the key factor in determining socio-economic development. The failure of governance in Pakistan is exemplified by a comparison to Singapore. Singapore has hardly any natural resources…

Ethnic cohesion and development

Ethnic fragmentation is defined as the probability that two randomly selected people in a country will belong to two different ethnic groups (such as Baloch or Pashtun). Sovereign nation states…

Development of Special Technology Zones

Software development and IT-enabled services (ITeS) for data centres, technical service/call centres, and telecom services make up the majority of the Pakistani ICT industry. After India, Bangladesh, and the US,…

Active engagement in knowledge sharing stressed

The National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE) of HEC has launched the first cohort of In -Service National Faculty Development Programme (NFDP) for newly inducted faculty members of higher education…