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Lockdown – A tale of other diseases

Lock down or die. Lockdown or economy. Lockdown or jobs. Lockdown or lives. These were the debates prevalent. World over and in Pakistan, from experts to individuals, the over whelming…

The stark realities of Shigar Valley

Shigar Valley sits in the Karakoram Mountain range, home to some of the tallest mountains in the world, including K2. Shigar Valley is a district and geographic silo within Gilgit-Baltistan,…

Fiscal policies: health sector challenges

The analysis of fiscal policies of the government is an important determinant of looking at priorities related to development and public interest. Well-structured fiscal policies can reduce health sector challenge.…

Health Notes

Health notes

Nephrology is the branch of medicine concerned with the physiology and diseases of the kidneys. The name comes from 'nephron', a functional unit within the kidney (a miniscule filter) consisting…

Great Philanthropists

Great philanthropists

The country is in a mess; a high rate of inflation, unemployment, the absence of law and order, the absence of government writ, etc. The new chairman of the FBR,…

Healthy Advice

Healthy advice

Elections are just round the corner and all political leaders are showing their true colours. Enough has been said about that already. Rather than saying more, here is some valuable,…

Lifestyle medicine

ISCHEMIC heart disease, diabetes, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease and cirrhosis are among the top causes of death in Pakistan. Together, these are called non-communicable diseases (NCDs),…

Every day is World TB Day

LAST month, tuberculosis-inflicted countries celebrated World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. In Pakistan, it was observed enthusiastically with seminars, talk shows, awareness walks and press releases. Pakistan has a plethora of infectious…

Every day is World TB Day

LAST month, tuberculosis-inflicted countries celebrated World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. In Pakistan, it was observed enthusiastically with seminars, talk shows, awareness walks and press releases. Pakistan has a plethora of infectious…

Bitter sweet

DIABETES is on a rampage in Pakistan. We are now a country with the third largest population of diabetic adults after China and India. According to the 10th edition of…