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Planning a non-austerity, pro-growth IMF programme

In its April 2023 flagship World Economic Outlook (WEO) report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) pointed out that economic growth enables countries in a better way to service debt repayments,…

Misplaced optimism about economy

Given elections are scheduled for early February, a few months into 2024 spring will bring into public life a new government, but the question whether or not it will continue…

World Bank needs to revisit its policy and lending focus

In its recently released report ‘Pakistan development update October 2023: restoring fiscal sustainability’ the World Bank (WB), just like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) policy thinking, including as highlighted in…

Inequality, poverty, and austerity–I

Two reports recently released clearly indicate that in the wake of pandemic, not only has progress on sustainable development goals (SDGs) overall slowed down significantly, the very first goal in…

Huge global economic policy challenges

‘The world is facing numerous extreme, interlinked challenges, including a climate emergency and growing economic inequalities between and within countries. Tackling these problems requires funds to flow in the right direction,…

India’s economy at 75 : Part – III

Despite impressive achievements since 1991, India is facing several major challenges. A major problem is absorbing its youth in a productive labour force and finding gainful employment for them. Half…