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Misogyny unites PTI, JUI-F

THE PTI government and the opposition JUI-F may be at daggers drawn but mention women’s right to public protest and, in a rare display of unity, though one reeking of…

Mehrjui and Iranian cinema ( Part – II )

In Mehrjui’s film ‘Gaav’, Masht Hassan – a peasant in an isolated village – has a close relationship with his cow, which is his only possession and the sole cow…

Mehrjui and Iranian cinema ( Part – I )

One of the founding fathers of Iranian New Wave cinema, Dariush Mehrjui, and his writer wife, Vahidea Mohammadi, lost their lives in a knife attack in Tehran on Oct 14,…

The JUI-F’s Dilemma

The JUI-F’s dilemma

The Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI) is one of the oldest religio-political parties in the subcontinent. It has rendered a valuable contribution towards shaping the contemporary Muslim identity in India and Pakistan,…

Taming the judiciary

WHAT happened inside and outside parliament last weekend was nothing less than a tragicomedy. Rarely has Pakistani politics stooped so low. Some 400 members of both Houses remained virtually captive for days…

Why the numbers matter

NO one knows the exact number of madressahs in Pakistan — not the government, not the madressah leadership, and not independent agencies. Each entity offers its estimates, claiming theirs to…

High-stakes reserved seats

RESERVED seats for women and non-Muslims in our legislatures have been a long-standing feature of Pakistan’s political system, but they had never brought the state close to constitutional breakdown —…

Fake news phenomenon

Fake news is the talk of the town these days. This form of communication is believed to have surfaced after the digital transformation of our channels of communication but it…