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True riba-free Islamic banking

The motivation to provide interest- (riba) free financial services is derived from the desire of Muslim communities living in the modern age. The general perception of most of the critics…

Sustainability and Islamic finance

The unique characteristic of Medina Economics is the fact that almost all the building blocks of the Islamic economic system were completed in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)…

The journey of Islamic banking in Pakistan

Islamic banking aligns with the spirit, ethos, and value system of Islam and is governed by the principles laid down by Islamic Shariah. At the core, it is Riba-free banking…

Does the Shariah permit trading shares?

The law is always catching up to the inventiveness of merchants. Islamic jurisprudence and commercial law, is no exception. Two modern inventions-the fiat-money banking system and the business corporation-have posed…

Islamic banking

Pakistan's economy has been experiencing pressure since past few years. The country's current account deficit swelled by 43% to highest-ever level of $18 billion in the fiscal year ended June…

Islamic Finance: Broad-based Efforts Needed

Islamic finance: broad-based efforts needed

Islamic finance has been growing leaps and bounds and is considered the fastest growing sector in the global finance and domestic economic system. The total assets under management (AUM) in…