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Sustainability and Islamic finance

The unique characteristic of Medina Economics is the fact that almost all the building blocks of the Islamic economic system were completed in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)…

Work ethics & Islam

MOHAMMED Abduh, the famous Egyptian Islamic scholar and jurist had once said: “I went to the West and saw Islam but there were no Muslims. I came to the East…

Cosmopolitan Ethics

Cosmopolitan ethics

Because of the rapid development of communication technology the distance between societies has been shrinking constantly in the contemporary world and today, the world is called a global village. This…

Islamic Morals

Islamic morals

A Recently passed bill by the Punjab Assembly to curb the prevalent violence against women drew an immediate and venomous response from many religious quarters. A well-known political figure ridiculed…

The Quest For An Islamic State

The quest for an Islamic state

The political ferment in Pakistan over the last few months has unexpectedly prompted excessive scrutiny and comment on my article, ‘The illusion of parliamentary democracy’ (October 26). There has been…

Islamic History

Islamic history

My dear friend and noted lawyer, Barrister Muhammed Iqbal Jafree of Salarpur, forwarded me a gem of an email from Ms Mahnoor Khan, which she had sent to Pak Tea…

Culture, Ethics & Architecture

Culture, ethics & architecture

Building and construction have been significant activities in human civilisation. The journey from caves to building gigantic cities reflects the enormous interest and capacity of human beings in these areas.…

Words vs works

MUSLIM-majority societies in general, and South Asian Muslim societies in particular, face numerous conflicting issues with regard to everyday life. These admittedly are very complex problems, which do not lend…

Challenging The IBF Model – I

Challenging the IBF model – I

During an online search on relevant topics while writing this article, the author coincidentally lands on a page where a Professor from Scandinavia, apparently disturbed by the recurring collapses of…