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Power of education

In a historic moment for Pakistan and the global discourse on education a few weeks back, Islamabad became the epicentre of an international conference that shed light on the pressing…

Education for all?

PAKISTAN is a signatory to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one of which obligates the country to provide inclusive and equitable education for all. Once again, the question has…

Pakistan, Islam & education

WHEN a patient’s condition turns critical, doctors often say it is time for dua (prayer) more than dawa (medicine or treatment). Current Pakistani conversations across all classes about the state…

Education emergency: now or never

“Let me read, let me grow”, said a 10-year-old child I met in Mirpurkhas. And this is primarily the voice of every child I have met in Pakistan. The first…

Education and manifestos

DO party manifestos show intentions? Going by past record, they do not. Hardly ever have parties adhered to manifestos. But manifestos do show what parties want the people to know…

Digitizing Islamic finance

Amidst the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – dominated by artificial intelligence and technological advancements – it is remarkable to witness the inclusive nature and expanded reach that technology…

The journey of Islamic banking in Pakistan

Islamic banking aligns with the spirit, ethos, and value system of Islam and is governed by the principles laid down by Islamic Shariah. At the core, it is Riba-free banking…

State of education in Sindh: Article 25-A

Access to free and compulsory education is an internationally acknowledged right. It has been recognized in a number of international conventions, covenants and declarations. In the Constitution of Pakistan (1973),…

Decolonizing education in Pakistan

Established initially as institutions of higher studies, Madressahs taught law, Islamic sciences and philosophy. Prior to the arrival of British, both religious and secular education were taken care of for…