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True riba-free Islamic banking

The motivation to provide interest- (riba) free financial services is derived from the desire of Muslim communities living in the modern age. The general perception of most of the critics…

From ideological to functional state

Soon after terrorists attacked a Pakistan Air Force base in Mianwali, Pakistan lost four soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel, in a firefight with terrorists in the Tirah Valley. The Pakistan…

Digitizing Islamic finance

Amidst the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – dominated by artificial intelligence and technological advancements – it is remarkable to witness the inclusive nature and expanded reach that technology…

Cultural imports and the state

OVER the past two years, online debates over mass cultural identity and the Pakistani state’s role in defining and shaping it have taken a new turn on account of the…

War and weak states

War is the most undesirable action to resolve interstate conflicts. Modern theories of international relations revolve around diplomatic means to resolve conflicts. International diplomacy is the art of preventing wars…

Weak states and war

War is the most abominable act committed by a state and the most undesirable action to resolve interstate conflicts. Modern theories of international relations revolve around diplomatic means to resolve…

An Instrument Of Weak States

An instrument of weak states

War is the most undesirable action to resolve interstate conflicts. Modern theories of international relations revolve around diplomatic means to resolve conflicts and attain peace without recourse to war. International…

The Ummah And The Nation-state

The Ummah and the nation-state

Contrary to the expectations of many Pakistanis, leaders of the Ummah have not come galloping on their Arabian horses, brandishing shining crescent swords, to help us in our Kashmir cause.…

Paralysed state

THIS is not the first time the Pakistani state has been cowed by a violent mob and surrendered its writ in favour of those who challenged it so blatantly. In…