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Efficient irrigation

Approximately 90 percent of Pakistan’s water goes towards agriculture. As the country’s population edges towards 250 million and its urban and industrial needs for water increase, this becomes untenable. If…

The Economics Of Irrigation

The economics of irrigation

There has been a considerable discussion but no debate on irrigation water. A debate is amongst informed people while a discussion is amongst ignorant and uninformed people and who have…

Economic Concepts In Irrigation

Economic concepts in irrigation

Pakistan's endearment with the KB dam is one of those aspects whereby the developing world's agriculture tries to defend itself without understanding the underlying reasons for the inefficiencies in the…

Economics Of Irrigation And Majesty Of Law

Economics of irrigation and majesty of law

Pakistan and India have been at loggerheads on the division of rivers with Pakistan seeking rights as lower riparian country. These disputes are termed 'trans-boundary disputes' and there are a…

Development or deprivation?

The Cholistan Canal Project has once again ignited tensions over water distribution in Pakistan, deepening the longstanding dispute between Punjab and Sindh. While its proponents argue that the canal will…

A green vision for Pakistan’s survival

As the world confronts the escalating impacts of climate change, 2025 begins with a stark reminder: 2024 was the hottest year on record. This alarming milestone has turned scientific warnings…

Reducing crop risks – making informed decisions

Pakistan’s agricultural sector stands as a cornerstone of its economy, contributing approximately 23 percent to the GDP and employing over 37 percent of the national labor force. With agricultural land…

Gardens of cohesion

Rural Sindh faces significant challenges, including widespread food insecurity. According to the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS), a significant portion of the rural population in Sindh experiences acute food…