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Design flaws in IMF programme

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) programmes are regarded as well designed by other multilaterals (with routine consultation amongst themselves on not only synchronizing their policies but also ensuring that there…

Internationalizing a university

I recently had the opportunity to visit Incheon in South Korea’s greater Seoul area. I spent time at the Incheon Global Campus, a global education hub hosting overseas campuses of…

Laws, protocols and trafficking

Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking either as a point of origin, transit or destination, and Pakistan is not an exception. The UNODC describes human trafficking…

Self-serving laws – I

Uninterrupted decade of democracy [2008 to 2018], unprecedented in our political history entailing smooth transfer of power to elected representatives, according to the Constitution, is an occasion for national jubilation…

AML regulations and fiscal laws – II

In the first article on this subject published on September 9, 2017 the relevance and changed perspective of anti-money laundering (AML) in today's world was briefly discussed. That article restricted…

Anti-money laundering regulations and fiscal laws – I

General perception about money laundering 'Money laundering' in general sense means, actions and processes of projecting money acquired as proceed of crime as untainted money. This subject gained international significance…

Implementation of consumer laws big challenge

There is a famous Latin term ‘Caveat venditor’ which means ‘let the seller beware’. This phrase is in stark contrast with the widely known and used contractual phrase ‘Caveat emptor’…

Labour laws and productivity

Labour laws should also spotlight on productivity rather than the dampening effects of archaic laws from the times of Industrial Revolution that have hampered rather than promoted productivity. Labour laws…