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Artificial Intelligence in reality

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fascinating technological development that is significantly impacting our present-day lives. Given AI’s potential, there is a need to carefully examine what is being entrusted to…

Civil service reforms that work

The newly-installed PTI government has constituted a task force on civil-service reforms. Over the years our governments have tried a number of times to reform the civil service but for…

Restructuring Intelligence

Restructuring intelligence

The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) of the UK ‘monitors communications worldwide for intelligence purposes’, and works under the foreign secretary. The British parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee oversees the functioning…

Autocracy on the march

The portents point to an overwhelming march towards autocracy. A country in the throes of unremitting crises in the political, economic and social fields will inevitably give rise to opposition…

Cui bono?

It didn’t take long for headlines out of Syria to turn, did it? Locals that set fire to Hafez al Assad’s grave and celebrated the “dawn of freedom” could ignore…