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Future at stake: deindustrialization–II

The analysis presented in the first part (carried by the newspaper on Wednesday) of this two-part series of article can be granulated to capture the trends in Punjab. The province…

Future at stake: deindustrialization—I

Following the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) revolution of the 1990s, the international economy entered a second phase of globalization. The trend for developing countries within the GVCs (global value…

Romanticizing industrialization

An economic growth of 1.9 percent in FY19, a contraction of 0.4 percent in FY20 and estimates of a muted growth of 2 percent in FY21 for Pakistan would have…

Fault lines in economic security

The national security paradigm revolves around economic security. A country is strong only if its economy is strong. It is beyond doubt that economic security makes a nation’s defence impregnable.…

More on technocracy

In my previous article (‘A technocratic democracy’, August 14), I advocated the need for a technocratic democracy in Pakistan. There are numerous examples of how strong technocratic governments have transformed…

How to navigate a new cold war

The US-China competition, also referred to as US-China rivalry, carries multiple implications in its wake for the world. Meanwhile, Pakistan-China cooperation is embedded in decades of mutual trust. Post 9/11,…

Economic renaissance for KP?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is distinguished by its immense natural potential. Yet like other provinces, it currently faces significant challenges across economic, social, security, and political domains. Amid societal polarization and…

Then vs now: our 77-year journey

As Pakistan celebrates its 77th anniversary today, it is natural to reflect on its journey of development and growth since gaining independence in 1947. Looking back at its accomplishments and…

IPPs: currents of discontent

With the recent increase in electricity tariffs, there is renewed debate over the rationality of capacity payment charges (CPC) to independent power producers (IPPs). Previously, only a few voices raised…