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The constitution is important

The tragedy of our time is that the social contract between citizens and the state (in the form of the constitution) in Pakistan is corrupted with malaise and malpractices. Throughout…

Some important economic policy questions

The first important policy question facing policymakers is how much role aggregate demand plays in determining inflation? This needs a clear presentation of analysis by policymakers, since the way inflation…

Important climate finance issues at COP28

The world is faced with not only the existential threat of climate change crisis, but the impact it is producing in terms of creating a situation of polycrisis, which requires…

Important global economic challenges

Decades of neoliberal assault of advocating greater market fundamentalism, and lesser government regulation produced a global financial and economic order with serious resilience, and equity issues, which were glaringly exposed,…

Why the BRF is important

President Xi Jinping is in the limelight again as the much-awaited 3rd Belt and Road Forum (BRF) for International Cooperation began yesterday in Beijing. After convening the first two successful…