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Nuclear Security And The IAEA

Nuclear security and the IAEA

“No system of safeguards that can be devised will of itself provide an effective guarantee against production of atomic weapons by a nation bent on aggression.” – Harry S Truman…

IAEA At A Crossroads

IAEA at a crossroads

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the principal multilateral organisation seeking to promote the peaceful applications of nuclear technology, has, over the years, grown into a pre-eminent entity of the…

Is nuclear the answer to our energy SOS?

Energy security serves as the cornerstone of socio-economic development for any nation. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been ensnared in a web of energy challenges for decades, struggling to find a sustainable…

The atomic club

After the US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) became an important challenge for the international community. While the world’s major…

Deliberate ambiguity

As western countries are floating the theory that Russia could escalate its conflict with Ukraine to a nuclear war, many western governments continue to turn a blind eye to Israel’s…

Energy crisis pushes nuclear comeback worldwide

As the costs of importing energy soars worldwide and climate crises wreak havoc, interest in nuclear power is on the rise with nations scrambling to find alternative sources. Investment in…