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The legendary Khushwant Singh

February 2 marks the birth anniversary of Khushwant Singh, a literary personality of our region, who was born 108 years ago in the village of Hadali, Punjab in present-day Pakistan.…

Donald 2.0

YES, he’s back. And his second inaugural address, uncharacteristically mild in its delivery but predictably vile in much of its content, served as partial reminder of what the next four years…

Debatable debate

IS leadership about oratory, rabble-rousing, long marches, or dharna in our context? Although political campaigns worldwide rely on debating ability, so do debating societies; these are forums for expanding discourse.…

The approaching verdict

THE case against former US president Donald Trump is set to conclude soon. Once closing arguments by both sides have been presented the case will be handed to the 12-member…

Turn it on again

ABOUT a fortnight before the US presidential elections in 2016, I attended a talk at a university in Chicago featuring New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd and former Obama adviser…