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Alvi for uplift of human resources

President Arif Alvi emphasised the importance of human resource development and the promotion of research to propel the country forward on the path of development. Addressing the convocation of Riphah…

Humans are humans, not mere resources

Human Resource (HR) is it. HR is the most important resource. Human capital counts. Humans are the assets. Human resources are the difference. These are the corporate mantras. These are…

Human rights begin with women

On December 10, as the world commemorates Human Rights Day, Pakistan finds itself at the intersection of two critical anniversaries: the celebration of universal human rights and the ongoing battle…

Humanitarian women

ON March 8, 2024, the world will commemorate International Women’s Day as it does every year. This year, perhaps much more than other years, the day falls in the midst…

Human capital disaster

THE World Bank recently launched the Human Capital Review report for Pakistan in Karachi and Islamabad. The headlines of the report were not a surprise: Pakistan’s Human Capital Index is…

Human development on hold

SUGGESTIONS for policy reforms and inputs for party manifestos are surfacing as we move towards the evolving reality of the February 2024 election, which is expected to usher in a…

The human cost

THE way a country treats its prisoners says a lot about its values. Nelson Mandela, who was incarcerated for 27 years for opposing apartheid, once said: “A nation should not…

Humanity’s next revolution

In a previous article, I presented the exciting advances taking place in the field of artificial intelligence and how they will change the world we live in. Artificial intelligence relates…

Wealth of human resource

These are frightening figures The estimated child abuse in Pakistan is more than 12 per day, in which out of total reported cases of child abuse 2,325 victims were  girls…

Burial of humanity

The dance of medieval barbarism with lethal weapons of 21st century is being played out, while the world watches; some with glee; some with awe; some with pain; some with…