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Being more human

What measures are necessary to counter violent extremism and religious intolerance in Pakistan? And what role should the youth be assigned in this campaign, which has a bearing on our…

Human rights begin with women

On December 10, as the world commemorates Human Rights Day, Pakistan finds itself at the intersection of two critical anniversaries: the celebration of universal human rights and the ongoing battle…

Humanitarian women

ON March 8, 2024, the world will commemorate International Women’s Day as it does every year. This year, perhaps much more than other years, the day falls in the midst…

Resurrecting the human soul

Starting in Lahore, the freedom march would be on its way to Islamabad on the day this piece appears in the paper, to reach there on November 4. The importance…

Crimes against humanity

Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned scholar, author and activist, in a video message to a webinar organised by a Washington-based advocacy organisation named the Indian American Muslim Council observed “The pathology…

Humanity on profound trial

“Human Kind” and “Gentlemen” had become obsolete words in Pre-Corona era. Human beings were neither kind nor men / women were gentle to each other or to their habitat. The…

Pakistan’s human capital conundrum

In 1986, the Journal of Political Economy (JPE) published a paper (‘Increasing returns and long run growth’) by a relatively unknown economist. The same person, Paul Romer, got another one…

Champion for humanity

There are many dimensions to Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah, Aga Khan III’s demeanour in his public life. Born on the 2ndof November, 1877, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah became the 48th…