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Teaching Holocaust

SO, the Holocaust is to be taught in school in the UAE. Why not? After all, ignoring the calamities of the blood-drenched post-Balfour Declaration era, Jews and Arabs have throughout…

The Palestinian Holocaust

Leading global powers – aka Israel’s sponsors: the US, UK, EU, Canada – who are also the self-proclaimed champions of universal values and who Netanyahu described as “forces of civilisation”,…

Lessons from the nuclear holocaust

This month of the year should prompt us into some sombre reflection, particularly in light of recent events and tragedies. On August 6, 1945, the US stunned the world by…

The Holocaust, Genocide And Turkey

The Holocaust, genocide and Turkey

Recently the German Parliament passed a resolution branding the deaths of Armenians in Turkey in 1915 as genocide. Slowly but surely, all the European countries have picked up a stick…

Nuclear Holocaust

Nuclear holocaust

Let there be no doubt that the nuclear establishments of Pakistan and India are on the verge of a nuclear holocaust. Both countries have been following the strategy of ‘mutual…

Reconsidering our regional policy

Pakistan needs to recraft a regional policy rooted in strategic realities at the regional and global levels and is cognisant of its short- and long-term political, security, economic and cultural…


ONLY mankind is brutal to its own species. A passage from Mani Shankar Aiyar’s latest book A Maverick in Politics (2024) scrapes the scab of memory, reminding one of the…

Real pain

AS luck would have it, I streamed A Real Pain the night before Kieran Culkin received an award for his supporting role in Jesse Eisenberg’s film about two cousins visiting…

Jabalia death march

IT will live in history: the Jabalia death march. As reported by Al Jazeera, the fleeing Palestinians were carrying white flags while going through checkpoints, but the Israeli bombardment continued.…

Mourning a friend

THE legacy media seems to have learnt no lesson from its debacle in the US presidential election, as its coverage based on its preconceived notions about the events in Amsterdam…