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Right to reproductive health

AS women, many of us have traversed through the uncomfortable changes brought on by puberty with an incomplete understanding of their meaning and consequences; we often braved, sometimes challenging, pregnancies…

Whither health & environment?

THE fact that the health and climate ministries were not included in the first round of cabinet oath-taking, is a sad reflection on the priority given to the well-being of…

Mental health

I CONSIDER myself open-minded but I remember being taken aback when a new friend showed up at a café in Chicago, where I was a graduate student, wearing a “This…

Champion of people’s health

DR Zafrullah Chowdhury passed away in Dhaka on April 11, 2023, after an inspiring life. He dedicated himself to the healthcare and development of the poor and voiceless, becoming their…

Adverse maternal health outcomes

MATERNAL health vulnerabilities, particularly in low-income countries, are a great cause of concern. UN agencies estimate that globally a woman dies every two minutes due to complications during pregnancy or…

A win for mental health

ACCORDING to the World Health Organisation, last year approximately 20,000 Pakistanis died by suicide, with over 120,000 people attempting it. Suicide is a complication of mental illness which can only…

Mental health services

LAST December, the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) received a complaint that 35-year-old Rukhsana (not her real name), who was working for an MNC, was being illegally detained at…