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Health Education

Health education

The persistent neglect of human resource development is severely affecting social and economic outcomes in Pakistan. The country shamefully remains at the lowest ranking at 147 out of 148 countries,…

Health & education

IN the history of mankind, 2020 will be remembered as the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, an ordeal that the whole of humanity experienced. It is clear that a long-drawn…

Quality Education

Quality education

High-quality engineering education has played a key role in the rapid development of certain Asian countries such as Korea, India and China. In Korea, the establishment of the Korea Advanced…

Nicotine pouches: health challenge?

Pakistan’s nicotine pouch market represents a complex intersection of public health concerns, regulatory challenges, and shifting consumer behaviors that demand a careful scrutiny. Recent studies indicate that approximately 17.2% of…

Youth mental health

IT was a couple of years before Covid-19 that I started realising that something was changing quite fundamentally on the mental health front for students who were coming to my…