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A Pakistan without Benazir Bhutto

The general belief is that no one is indispensable in this mortal world. But in my humble opinion, there are definitely exceptions to this general rule. Had Jinnah (our Quaid-e-Azam)…

IMF’s risk assessment: eyes half shut

The first coronavirus outbreak – SARS – in the shape of epidemic happened around the beginning of this century. The second coronavirus epidemic – MERS – struck around the close…

The making of HuT

IN January 2024, the British government labelled Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT) as the 80th proscribed terrorist organisation, raising significant questions about balancing the protection of democratic institutions against subversive ideologies and…

The Bhutto wound

THE Supreme Court’s March 6 judgement gives valid legal reasons why the trial that led to the verdict ordering Z.A. Bhutto’s execution in 1979 did not meet the requirements of…

Bhutto’s legacy

April 4, 1979 was the day of the judicial murder of the elected prime minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. This was based on a split 4-3 court decision and…

Legendary Bhutto

On the fourth of April, exactly forty-five years ago in 1979, an unsuccessful attempt was made to extinguish a shining star from the political horizon of Pakistan. The dark forces…

Parachuted manifestos

The election manifestos of all major parties have now been released. I went through them with an eye on education priorities. If education is an election issue for you that…

Bhutto’s legacy

The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has long been a proponent of progressive politics, aiming to propel the country forward. On the 27th of December, the nation commemorates the death anniversary…

The cost of internet shutdown

During the political drama of last week, one of the many adversities faced by the general public was the banning of the Internet for the majority of the users across…