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Nuclear threats

Soon after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his army to invade Ukraine last month, he took the wildly irresponsible step of publicly announcing that he was placing his nation’s nuclear…

The space debris threat

The International Space Station (ISS) has been featured in several Hollywood movies, from being hijacked by a hostile alien in Life to being ripped apart by space debris in Gravity.…

Trump’s return threatens resurgence of trade wars

Donald Trump’s second presidential term promises a return to tariffs as he pressures partners and rivals to tackle everything from migration to drug trafficking, while protecting US industries — in…

Battling the climate threat

Climate change represents one of the most critical global challenges of the 21st century. The ramifications of climate change are particularly pronounced for developing countries such as Pakistan, which exhibit…

Throwing the VPN baby out…

THOSE who govern us may have expertise in multiple areas, but their ability and propensity to score own goals seem without parallel. None of us will have to look too…