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Banking shortcomings

SYSTEMS in Pakistan often operate below potential. We could be close, but remain mired in red tape, beholden to power structures and burdened by hidden and friction costs. Despite an…

Pakistan’s economic opportunities in the SCO

Being part of a regional organization greatly benefits countries by improving their global trade position while ensuring sustainable economic development. As Pakistan tries to be a part of regional integration,…

Caretaker by any other name

NOW that the people have voted and been outwitted, a new parliament is in place, and a new president and prime minister have reached Constitution Avenue. All of last week,…

Elite finance ministers

“I COMPLETELY empathise and sympathise [with the people],” remarked Pakistan’s finance minister as the tax-loaded Finance Bill 2024 was passed by the National Assembly. In a country where more than…

The way forward for Pakistan

“Rather than going cap-in-hand asking for new finance, the new government and its backers in the establishment and business would need to design first their own plans worth investing in,…

Aurangzeb has his work cut out for him

In understanding the nation’s economy, there’s a clear distinction between an economist serving as the finance minister and a commercial banker taking the helm at the exchequer. An economist in…

AI – the bank of tomorrow

It is 2030. Imagine walking down I.I. Chundrigar Road Karachi. Imagine what will you see? Imagine if banking becomes totally digital. Imagine if branches disappear. Imagine if AI robots looking…

Emergency provisions

WITH each passing day, the state of animosity between the PTI, along with the two provincial governments it controls, and the federal government, that is composed of a multiparty coalition,…

Energy sector reforms

Our fiscal space is wafer thin. The economy is starting to pull back from a precipice. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Staff-Level Agreement (SLA) is around the corner and has…