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Growth rate: PBS under the spotlight

The provisional estimates for 2022-23 of the GDP by sector and by expenditure have been released recently by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). According to these estimates, the GDP…

Overstatement of GDP growth rate

The latest Pakistan Economic Survey for 2021-22 reveals that the economy has performed well this year and the growth rate achieved is 5.97 percent. This comes on the back of…

GDP growth rate in 2020-21

The PBS has released the revised estimate of the GDP growth rate for 2020-21. It has increased to 5.57 percent from the preliminary estimate of 3.94 percent. Clearly, the process…

The GDP growth rate

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has revealed the final estimate of the GDP growth rate for 2018-19 and the preliminary estimate of the GDP growth rate for 2019-20. This…

Overstating the GDP growth rate

The Pakistan Economic Survey of 2019-20 gives the preliminary estimate of the GDP growth rate this year. It is a negative 0.4 percent. The last time the GDP declined in…

The GDP growth rate

The National Income Accounts Committee has endorsed the provisional GDP growth rate estimate by the PBS for 2018-19 at 3.3 percent and also the revised estimate of the growth rate…

The growth rate controversy

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has claimed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of 3.94 percent in the current fiscal year (a projection as data for the last three months…

Country does need higher growth rate

Acting Chairman of All Pakistan Textiles Mills Association (APTMA) Zahid Mazhar has requested Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to prioritize the revival of the economy in general and textile industry…

Growth rate has increased but…

 The economy has shown sharply divergent symptoms and indicators in 2017-18. According to the estimates by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the GDP growth rate has been rising consistently since…

Lower GDP growth rate in 2018-19

The economy has been in a state of ‘stagflation’ for over a year now. The GDP growth rate has fallen while there has been a spurt in the rate of…