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Global climate chaos

Extreme weather events continue to manifest worldwide in various forms. A few days back, Toronto (Canada) experienced over 100 millimeters (about four inches) of rain, matching the average rainfall for…

Global climate jihad

EXISTENTIAL challenges define the state of the world today. They shall determine the global, regional and national contexts in which all countries, including Pakistan, will need to find appropriate and…

Climate finance for the Global South

Going into COP29 where the focus should be on promoting climate-linked development finance initiatives in the Global South, collective action is crucial to attract funding for the intertwined objectives of…

Conflict, climate and global hunger

Malnutrition, a persistent global challenge, affects millions worldwide, with devastating consequences for health, economic productivity, and human development. Despite the technological and agricultural advances of the 21st century, malnutrition continues…

How climate change threatens global agriculture

From the worst drought in forty years in the Horn of Africa to record-breaking heatwaves in Argentina, extreme weather prompted by climate change is threatening to disrupt global agriculture, even…

Climate action and global security

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres recently warned: “Present trends are racing our planet down a dead-end three-degree temperature rise”. He is right. Unless we act decisively – beginning at the…