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Art By George Bush

Art by George Bush

George W Bush, the former US president, is promoting a book of paintings, entitled Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors, depicting American soldiers - veterans…

Bush And Wars

Bush and wars

Nowhere in the so-called print/online major media was there any hint that the late George H W Bush was a bit of a public predator. The New York Times, the…

Whitewashing The Bush Legacy

Whitewashing the Bush legacy

If “the present conducts the past the way a conductor conducts an orchestra”, bringing forward “these particular sounds, or those, and no others” – as the great Italian novelist Italo…

Trump Vs Bush

Trump vs Bush

There is madness, then there’s Trump. Since a lot of lyrical indignation has already been expressed about the horrors of a Trump presidency, let me dwell on a comparison here…

Bushonomics And PML-N

Bushonomics and PML-N

In the last month or so, two articles have appeared in this newspaper by Mr Sayem Ali on the same subject. These articles have been written in response to an…

It’s the economy, stupid

In the recession-hit United States in the 1990s under US president George H W Bush, ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ was the catchphrase that defined the 1992 US presidential campaign of…

Biden’s forever war

On Saturday, US President Joe Biden ended his week-long tour of Europe to mobilize Nato for conflict with Russia with a belligerent rant in Warsaw, Poland. Media coverage of Biden’s…