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Prioritize gas consumption

Lately, there is a rift between Federal and Sindh governments on natural gas supply and pricing. The Centre’s desire is to have weighted average gas price formula of natural gas…

Gas tariffs and reforms—II

However, some increase in small and medium category tariff will have to be, willy-nilly, done to cover the costs. In Bangladesh, minimum monthly charge is PkRs 1380-1500 per MMBtu for…

New gas tariff and circular debt

Finally, much-awaited new gas tariff has been announced by government under negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The increase is up to 12-112% in various gas tariff slabs. Earlier,…

Role of LPG in gas crisis — I

Winters are approaching, in fact are there already. There is usually higher gas demand in winters due to heating and later heating requirements. Local gas supplies have been decreasing 10%…

Emerging biogas

The importance of local energy/gas resources should be realised in these days of rising oil and gas prices, which may take the shape of a major crisis if the international…

Consumption, culture, change

READERS beware. This title could be misleading, but our changing CPI (consumer price index) basket, besides tracking inflation, says a lot about our culture. Our current CPI basket is based…