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Fiscal crisis and reset

Pakistan’s fiscal system has long been under immense strain due to the mounting pressure of borrowing and the substantial portion of revenue being diverted towards debt servicing, and 2024 was…

Towards fiscal & digital reforms

Pakistan has faced significant challenges in balancing the distribution of power and fiscal responsibilities between its federal and provincial governments. The landmark Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010 [18th Amendment] effective…

Fixing fiscal policy

Fiscal discipline and effective financial management are the cornerstones of a nation’s economic stability and growth. In Pakistan, however, persistent fiscal mismanagement has been a recurring challenge for both federal…

Fiscal discipline key to reforms

Before Pakistan can embark on the long and tedious journey of structural reforms, fiscal discipline must be embraced wholeheartedly. Fiscal discipline refers to the practice of governments maintaining sound financial…

Burgeoning fiscal deficit

The information on fiscal operations during the first three quarters of 2021-22 has been released recently by the Ministry of Finance. The financial position of the Federal government appears to…

Export slide: causes and implications – I

Multiple changes have been observed at the political and economic stages of Pakistan during the last four years. This period can be considered a surprising regime in the history of…

The timing of the budget fiscal year 2019

The Abbasi administration has wholeheartedly endorsed Ishaq Dar's oft-announced decision to formulate and present the budget for fiscal year 2018-19 even though the party's tenure ends on 1 June 2018…

There is no fiscal space left

It is reported in the press that the planning division has surrendered Rs 24 billion from a block allocation for a technical supplementary grant in favor of cabinet division for…

Fiscally responsible governance – I

The economics of a government, in many ways, is not different from that of a household. A prudent household is one that remains within its available resource envelop. More prudent…