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Pakistan, and international global financial order

In the recently released report ‘Regional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia’ by International Monetary Fund (IMF), one of its comments on Pakistan’s economy was ‘For… Pakistan, policy interest…

Call For Independent Financial Reporting Body

Call for independent financial reporting body

The Audit Oversight Board (AOB) established under the SECP Act, 1997 to regulate audit profession in the country and the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) recently formed under the control of…

Some thoughts on improving global financial governance

Globalization has recently come under attack for having given rise to excessive nationalism and protectionism. Excessive nationalism and protectionism carry the potential to hamper global economic recovery. For this reason,…

Financial Stories

Financial stories

Beware the things we tell ourselves, because it is the little lies that help us get through the day which come back to haunt us in one big go at…

Financial Crisis, Social Unrest And Reform

Financial crisis, social unrest and reform

The December 22, 2008 issue of Newsweek featured an article on the downside of Chinese state reform. Entitled ‘Why China is too scared to spend’, the article drew attention to…

How to fix education

There is a protest going on outside the University of Balochistan (UoB). Since there is a ban on protests inside the university campus, the protesters, including teachers and other staff…

Privatisation of PSM

The government has finally decided to privatise Pakistan Steel Milles (PSM). Though it is late by two years under the incumbent government, it is a welcome step. The government spent…

Politicking: What’s Its Cost?

Politicking: what’s its cost?

Pakistan today is a country wherein each day begins with revelations of bad governance that shock its citizens. Yet the country's in-power politicians are focused only one thing: holding on…

IMF review: challenges, and uncertainties

The IMF review mission is expected to arrive by the end of February to conduct the first semi-annual review of the ongoing programme. While the programme remains largely on track,…

Time to end neoliberal monetary policy well overdue

‘This chapter has shown that the NMPC [New Monetary Policy Consensus] is limited in four important ways. Firstly, it is based on doubtful assumptions, unwarranted generalisations, overly optimistic expectations about…