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Reasons for economic insolvency (Part – I)

The debate on whether Pakistan is close to a sovereign default on its obligations has been raging for a while now, notwithstanding a staff-level agreement signed a few weeks back…

Flawed power sector strategy

The government is focusing on wrong policy initiatives due to which the circular debt is ever increasing. In fact the recoveries of past years have been shown as increased collection…

Cauldron to inferno

A PENCHANT for masochism should be included in the job description of every governor State Bank of Pakistan. Too many recent incumbents have seen their tenure end in a swift…

The Road To Recovery

The road to recovery

Clouds are gathering over the present dispensation of government, but they have a silver lining. After thirty years, there is a loosening of the stranglehold on government by ‘boxwallahs’ (“A…

A Bumpy Transition

A bumpy transition

The former prime minister had pretty much left the stage, but Nawaz Sharif has staged a dramatic comeback in a rearguard legislative action and re-election as the president of the…

Promoting Islamic Finance

Promoting Islamic finance

The government recently formed a high-powered committee to examine the current state of Islamic finance and suggest measures for future development. The share of Islamic banks, introduced in Pakistan in…

The new higher-ed reality

A few days ago, pharmacy students at Bacha Khan University Charsadda (BKUC) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa protested that, even after years, their programme has not been registered and accredited by the…

Autism and SDGs

THE 2024 observance of World Autism Day is aligned with the implementation status and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition representing human evolution and neurodiversity…

Privatising power distribution

A WIDELY held perception, if not an unshakeable belief, is that the energy sector presents an existential threat to Pakistan’s economy, with no likely respite if it remains fixated on…