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Financial crimes

FOLLOWING the 26th Constitutional Amendment, the criteria for appointing high court judges have been framed under the Judicial Commission of Pakistan (Appointment of Judges) Rules, 2024. This has provided an opportunity…

How the ADR tax distorts the financial sector

The tax on Advance-to-Deposit Ratio (ADR) was introduced through the Finance Acts of 2021 and 2022 approved by Pakistan’s National Assembly and these provisions are being enforced by the Federal…

Why financial markets matter

A well-developed financial system comprising dynamic capital markets and a robust banking sector is considered a critical driver of investment, productivity, and sustainable economic growth. Here, I discuss how the…

Whither health & environment?

THE fact that the health and climate ministries were not included in the first round of cabinet oath-taking, is a sad reflection on the priority given to the well-being of…

The environmental journey

PAKISTAN’s policy since inception has been to fast-track economic growth, even if it entails deterioration of the natural environment. Our policymakers seem to have internalised a myth: the country has…

Fully inclusive financial system

One of the mistakes multinational companies make is to look at countries as either 'developed' or 'developing', and then try to shoehorn a product or solution into that country that…

SDG 16 & financial crimes: challenges

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels— Sustainable Development Goal 16, United Nations…

Empowering financial inclusion

Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is a pioneering force, making breakthroughs in the field of finance and revolutionising the centrally dependent financial sector. It has already made a difference in several countries…

Environmental care – Part II

Pakistan’s forest cover is steadily declining with no action by authorities. Regeneration of forests and replantation initiatives have been ineffective and disjointed due to abysmal focus by the government. The…