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Resolving conflicts

MORE battles are fought within and between kith and kin, than between states and sworn enemies. It is a fact that the harmony that should ideally exist in families is…

Resolving conflicts

OCCURRENCES of conflict linked to differences in human affairs are as old as any other issue in society. They occur in just about any family, tribe, society, community, state, or…

Family-owned enterprises: a perspective

Behind the success of every small business is a family. This is largely true. “Behind the failure of most large businesses is a family”. This is true as well, at…

Resolving conflicts

The Gaza conflict has currently divided the international community. I believe that human society has witnessed – and continues to face – horrific conflicts over various issues. Historically, the use…

Failing to get along

It was an empty relationship. She just does not understand. He just does not listen. There were just too many differences. There was too much interference. He was too petty.…

And the brand lives on… Oct 02, 2024

The product dies. The factory shuts down. The shelves become empty. The shops forget it. The mind stores in memory. The mind recalls. Such is the languishing power of a…

Navigating the third sector

In this modern world driven by rapid sociocultural changes, international conflicts and manmade and natural disasters, the socio-economic and political organisation of human society – citizens of a nation-state –…

Modernity, tradition, survival

The region of Torwal in Swat, where now the language Torwali is spoken by about 140,000 people and which was once the entire area of today’s Bahrain tehsil in the…

Political dialogue is indispensable

Communication and negotiation are indispensable pillars of politics, serving as a bridge between conflicting ideologies and facilitating solutions that ensure governance, stability, and progress. History is replete with examples where…