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The Faiz phenomenon

FORMER spymaster retired Lt-Gen Faiz Hameed’s arrest and the news that he may be facing a field general court martial for activities prejudicial to the military’s rules and regulations have understandably generated…

Remembering Ahmad Saleem

Ahmad Saleem, a luminary in the realm of Urdu and Punjabi literature and poetry, left an indelible mark on Pakistan’s social and political landscape. He was a mentor to many…

Surrender at Faizabad

As distressing as it is the humiliating capitulation of the State before a small religio-political party, Tehreek Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA), should not be so surprising. It is symptomatic…

Surrender at Faizabad

As distressing as it is the humiliating capitulation of the State before a small religio-political party, Tehreek Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA), should not be so surprising. It is symptomatic…

Death-worth rule

ASK anyone what a human life is worth, and answers would range between ‘priceless’, ‘incalculable’, and ‘more than all the gold in the world’. Incurable nihilists would say ‘worthless’, and…

Crisis to crisis

SINCE its inception, Pakistan has lurched from crisis to crisis. The poet Faiz Ahmad Faiz was once asked what the future held in store for the country. He is said…

The people have stood up

Haal-e-chaman par talkh nawai/ Murgh-e-chaman, kuch iss se ziyada (A bitter song on how the garden is/ Oh nightingale, say more than this!) – Faiz Ahmad Faiz At long last…

The legacy of Sartaj Aziz

Lahore’s renowned educational institutions produced many luminaries, including Allama Iqbal, Patras Bukhari, Abdus Salam, and Faiz Ahmad Faiz. Another name can be added to the list – Sartaj Aziz who…

A security threat

In 2007, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) concluded in a study about Sudan that the conflict in Darfur was primarily driven by climate change and warned that any change in…

Waiting for no one

The difference between anarchy and revolution can sometimes be very small. But Pakistan is in a situation where it is waiting for one of these to unleash its forces and…