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FSC on transgender persons

ON May 19, the Federal Shariat Court declared that key provisions of the landmark Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018, are repugnant to Islam. The FSC has called for invalidating a…

The FSC In Our Hybrid Society

The FSC in our hybrid society

Columbia University. Her dissertation was on the conflict between Pakistani liberals and the ulema and Islamists. There has recently been a lively debate between Feisal Naqvi, Salman Akram Raja, Afiya…

Seeds for survival

Nestled in the heart of South Asia, Pakistan’s fertile lands bear witness to an agrarian economy that not only constitutes a formidable 24 per cent of the nation’s GDP but…

The curious case of madrassa regulation

Between 2016 and 2022, I had the opportunity to make frequent visits to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia underwent tectonic changes in that period, and I consider myself fortunate to…

Child marriages

THE recent judgement of the Lahore High Court in ‘Azka Wahid vs Province of Punjab’ has declared the arbitrary distinction in the legally prescribed minimum age of marriage in the…

Struggle for steel continues

Steel is the basic building block of development. It was due to the influential import lobbies that Pakistan lagged in this vital area. In Kalabagh the largest Iron Ore reserves…