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FED on transfer of immoveable property

“Accordingly CVT was abolished through the Finance Act 2010 as charge and levy of CVT became a provincial subject. Different provinces have started levy and collection of CVT on immoveable…

Economic policy, federal budget and role of opposition

‘…the existence of the opposition is ‘nearly the most distinctive characteristic of democracy’. In parliamentary democracies, since government and parliamentary majorities often coincide, the opposition is expected to function as…

Provincial surplus and the federal budget

To formulate federal and provincial budgets necessitates engagement between the federal government and its federating units on two critical items: projected share of each province from the divisible pool and…

Federal budget and pro-cyclical policy

The federal budget, due to come into effect in the next few days, has continued with the pro-cyclical policy approach, whereby as growth continues to remain stuck in a low…

A stagflationary federal budget

Stagflation is a situation when economic growth is stagnating, and inflation is also increasing. Growth requires increase in domestic production, which, in turn, needs investment. It is only the second…