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Extreme heat

According to a recent Business Insider article: Birds Are Falling From the Sky in India as a Record Heatwave Dries up Water Sources, May 14, 2022. And, it’s not just…

The heat is on

IT was a hot one. In fact, climate scientists who study Earth’s temperature have found that September 2023 was perhaps the hottest September ever recorded. According to The Washington Post, the…

Heat the rich

THE last time Karachi’s mortuaries ran out of space was in 2015, and frighteningly enough, for the same reason. Nine years ago, a merciless heatwave swept Karachi’s most vulnerable, and…

Painting roofs white helps lower city heat

White or reflective paint is more effective at cooling cities than covering roofs in solar panels or greenery, scientists say, and could offer some relief on extremely hot summer days.…

Wheat: the solution

There is a clear, lasting, and simple solution to Pakistan’s Rs300 billion recurring wheat powder keg. The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has no solution. Seventy-six years of paralysis, a living testament.…

‘Heat economic policy’

It is, indeed, important that Pakistan should continue to deal with its macroeconomic and growth challenges of the traditional nature, reducing twin deficits, avoiding stagflation, reforming state-owned enterprises, and fixing…

Wheat policy imperatives

Wheat has been in the spotlight lately for two reasons: news of a bumper crop and, that notwithstanding, fears of impending shortage due to hoarding on the one hand and…