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Politics and the establishment

WITH just weeks left for him to doff his uniform, COAS Gen Qamar Bajwa has assured the nation that the armed forces have distanced themselves from politics and want it to stay…

Populism vs the establishment

TALKING to the media outside the Islamabad High Court recently, Imran Khan said he would get more dangerous. He has lived up to his words, turning himself into a nightmare…

Politics and the establishment

WITH just weeks lef t for him to dof f his uniform, COAS Gen Qamar Bajwa has assured the nation that the armed forces have distanced themselves from politics and…


A big thank you to my sister in Seattle for pointing out that Google translator translates ‘istehkam’ as ‘establishment’, but it’s unlikely that the English name for the newest political…

Everybody’ll want the establishment back

If you’ve followed Pakistani politics for two-and-a-half decades, especially as a journalist, you’ll understand that the present impasse, particularly in Punjab, is less about legality or constitutionality of discretionary powers…

Talking to the establishment

WEEKS after Nawaz Sharif launched his no-holds-barred attack on the army leadership holding the chief responsible for the current political crisis, his daughter signalled her party’s willingness to open a dialogue with the security…

The Establishment’s Dilemma

The establishment’s dilemma

The oligarchy which runs Pakistan, often called the establishment, is in a quandary. The problem is that whatever it says through its diplomats abroad — and with however much energy…