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Our environmental debt

While dealing with economic and social challenges, an invisible but loud crisis has grown up within the territories of Pakistan, which is known as the country's environmental debt. Such debt,…

Whither health & environment?

THE fact that the health and climate ministries were not included in the first round of cabinet oath-taking, is a sad reflection on the priority given to the well-being of…

Farming and health

AT the core of food security is not only the need to provide sufficient, safe and nutritious food to fill empty stomachs but also to avoid malnutrition and diet-related non-communicable…

The environmental journey

PAKISTAN’s policy since inception has been to fast-track economic growth, even if it entails deterioration of the natural environment. Our policymakers seem to have internalised a myth: the country has…

Climate change and health

THE devastating floods in Pakistan are a manifestation of climate change. Whatever development gains had been made over the decades in the flood-affected districts were washed away within a few days. Pakistan will…

Healthcare during floods

PAKISTAN has been hit by unprecedented deadly floods. These are flash floods to be exact, which are caused by rapid and excessive rainfall that raises water heights quickly, overtaking rivers, streams,…

Right to mental health

IN a promising move last week, the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR), in collaboration with Taskeen Health initiative, UNFPA and British Asian Trust launched a thoughtful Malpractice in Mental…

Environmental crimes

Environmental crimes have consequences more severe than many other serious offenses, and unfortunately, they cannot be entirely controlled or prevented by merely enforcing laws. These crimes result from widespread negligence…

Essential health services

I RECEIVED a lot of feedback on my article ‘Robotic priorities’, including some from defensive robotic surgeons! Some readers have asked about the essential health services package I referred to.…