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Energy challenges

We no longer have the luxury to exist in an isolated ecosystem where we can pre-determine the effect of international events on our policies and strategies. It has, instead become…

Energy security of Pakistan

It is said, “Never waste a good crisis” … and Hilary Clinton added, “Don’t waste it when it can have a very positive impact on climate change and energy security.”…

‘Effective’ energy allocation for export growth

Pakistan’s immense economic potential will remain elusive as long as the most productive sectors that enable export-led growth are deprived of energy availability and consistency. Despite the textile exporting sector’s…

Reforming energy subsidy

In Pakistan, many households are finding it difficult to access affordable and reliable electricity. Families struggle to pay their monthly bills, often cutting spending on other essential household needs. ……

Sustainable energy

The past year is one that few of us will forget. While the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have played out unevenly across Asia and the Pacific, the region has…

Coal-based Energy

Coal-based energy

First of all, it must be made clear that any constructive, objective and evidence-based criticism on some aspects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) should never be equated with the…

No Further Mistakes In Energy Sector

No further mistakes in energy sector

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif together with his Chinese counterpart is reported to have witnessed the signing of 19 agreements and memorandums mostly focused on the energy sector during his visit…