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Emerging economies: now is the time for unity

Pakistan’s economy is geared to move towards a low-level equilibrium. The fear of defaults, which was mostly political in nature, is weaning off. However, the people of this country are…

Emerging Economies

Emerging economies

Since long, Pakistan is locked up in a situation of economic volatility, infrastructural deficit, financial disaster in public sector entities and growing poverty. Reformatory policies undertaken by different sectors of…

Emerging Issues In The Global Economies

Emerging issues in the global economies

Lower growth expectations: As is evident the EU and the US are facing difficulties in order to increase their economic growth, and that is why, the demand for nationalism and protectionism…

Emerging climate risks & IMF

THERE is no bigger threat to Pakistan’s macroeconomic and financial stability than climate shocks. Around this time last year, we were hit by floods costing $30 billion that have derailed…

The blessed and the not-so-blessed economies

The world economy is in transition. The richest economies were exposed during Covid. Their might of resources was questioned. The height of knowledge was mocked. Having had a torrid time…