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The Electoral Mess

The electoral mess

The verdicts of the election tribunals announced so far and the debates generated by them have amply demonstrated the need for review of the safeguards created for ensuring fair elections.…

It’s just a debate

Make or break. Win or lose. Change perceptions. Transform opinions. These are some objectives of the importance of Leadership communication. The American Presidential debates are prime example of this see…

MAGA diplomacy: Pakistan and Trump

Donald Trump’s electoral victory as the 47th US president has triggered debates worldwide on its likely repercussions for the US, its allies and the rest of the world. Pakistan which…

Women and change

WITH their unwavering courage, Pakistani women have been challenging the odds and reshaping the country’s social and political landscape. Their increasing participation in political and rights movements, a testament to…

Economic liberalism

THE economic discourse revolves around IMF programmes in Pakistan, as the country is being administered for the 23rd time. IMF’s prescription for economic stabilisation, steeped in the principles of economic…

Is a Constitutional Court the answer?

After the government failed to have its Constitution Amendment Bill secretly rubber-stamped at midnight by oblivious parliamentarians; some in the ruling coalition rushed to disassociate themselves. They admitted to mistakes…

Unpacking the youth bulge

FOR this week, let me confess at the beginning that I have nothing to offer on the mess that is Punjab, the courts and the bayanias, or narratives, our parties…

A failed heist

The people of Pakistan are recovering from the trauma of a Sunday midnight political heist, where their 'chosen representatives' attempted to strip them of their political and constitutional rights. This…

Lingering in the chambers of darkness

Debates have often raged in the country regarding the reasons why Pakistani institutions crumble so abominably under pressure that they stop commanding the respect and trust of the people and…

Role of KPK in new leadership dynamics

Pakistan is embarking on a new chapter in its history, following the February 8, 2024 elections, with almost all political parties, except Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz)—PMLN—voicing concerns about electoral transparency.…